Saturday, May 17, 2008

cool stuff , stuff that is cool (a blog post with different stuff, that is cool)

Bixby Canyon Bridge


My mom and I are finally gonna make the trip up north to San Francisco in early August. Yeah I'm going on a road trip with my Mum... does that make me any less cool? NO, because luckily for me, my mom is cool... so if anything I'm making her less cool. I want to do the whole Big Sur thing because thats what kids my age are into.

Flight of the Conchords

I'm a little late but I don't care because not having HBO is cooler then having HBO. Although I do plan to sign up for a cable upgrade. Anyways, I'm gonna go see them next month, which is fantastico!

In conclusion:
My finals are on Tuesday and I really, really don't want to study. But life is about doing stuff you don't want to do and then deciding not to do them.

I guess "stuff" should be more then two things... I should have called this "Two Cool Things"... but since I listed two things I guess its a "Small Portion"... ah, but I should have called it "A Small Portion of Cool"... damn.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

April 26th - May 3rd or Saturday to Saturday

I was so gonna write a blog about the Los Angeles Times Festival of books... but I didn't. Then I was totally gonna write a blog about the She & Him show on Tuesday... but I didn't. OH, then I was gonna write a blog on how I should be doing math homework but haven't had time to actually do it because I've been sleep deprived from driving back and forth from LA... but I never did that because I fell asleep. Ah and then Friday came and my brother, Alex, and I had tickets to see Michale Buble and while waiting for Buble to take the stage I told Alex "I'm so gonna write a blog about this"... turns out, I didn't. Then after sleeping through almost all of yesterday, I went to check out Birtt Daniel's solo show at The Belly Up... I never said I would write a blog about the show but I so intended to.

So here it goes... all the shit I did and didn't do last week, in a quick summary because I got a shit load of math homework to catch up on.

Turn off's:
- a lot more people then usual
- it was hotter then hell that day
- we got there a little too late and missed the free C-Span bags

Turn on's:
- It was the LA Times Festival of Books
- Interesting booths with free books
- I saw two past contestants of Bravo's Top Chef

Turn off's:
-I had to miss Spanish class for this show... I wouldn't really care that much but its the end of the semester and tengo que impress mi profesora
- the show was in LA and gas prices are high

Turn on's
- got there early and found excellent parking space
- second group of people in line
- Sat front row, arms length away from the band
- Jason Schwartzman was there, OMG!! :D
- Zooey Deschanel's voice can easily move mountains
-M. Ward
Set List (thanks to Adan who was able to get one off the stage) :
black hole
change is hard
made for you (chah cha cha)
sentimental heart
you really got a hold
take it back
got me
saw your face today
this is not a test
why do you
sweet darlin
magic trick
bring it home

From Wednesday to Thursday I had the Intermediate Algebra blues:
What the hell is a Logarithmic function and how do you graph it?

Turn off's:
- our seats were sub shitty
- a lot of old cougars with bad perfume
- it was at the Cox Arena
- Buble didn't do "Come Fly with Me"

Turn on's:
- I got a sick ass concert shirt with Michale Buble's face all over it!
- Buble managed to make the whole crowd swoon... *sigh*
- Great all around show... like nothing I've ever experienced

Turn off's:

Turn on's
- Getting to say hello to Britt before the show
- seeing Britt Daniel
- hearing Britt Daniel
- His cover of Wolf Parade's "Modern World"
- Britt Daniel

Here is some fan footage from the show:

Britt Daniel - 04
Uploaded by starbright31

In conclusion:

The past week was busy and stressful... now I'm totally gonna do my math homework.