McCain likes to make the argument that Obama is an "elitist" and that he is not in touch with the average American. Now, if you remember, Sarah Palin has refered to this "average American" as "Joe Sixpack", a kind of term of enderiment for all those 40-80 year old, white men, who like to relax infront of the TV with none other then a six pack of beer by thier side... of course I'm guessing that this is what Sarah Palin means by "Joe Sixpack". Now, I've never actually met a "Joe Sixpack" or "Joe Plumber" and I've certently never met an "average American"! Howerver, I can digress all I want about what the term "average American" means to me and different people throughout the U.S. but, in reality, the definition will change from state to state, county to county, city by city and person to person.... and thats what makes America so awesome!! So, Obama doesnt have to be in touch with the "average American" he just needs to be in touch with the "American People"... the Eloquent American, the African American, the Middle Class American, the Homosexual American, the Working Poor American, the Wealthy American, the Single Parent American, the Asian American, the Intelectual American, the Working- College Student -Mexican -Future Educator- American!!!! (the last one is me)
We the American People "contain multitueds*" and we are all too unique to be classfied as "average Americans"
I, personally, am tired of "Joe the plumber" and "Joe Sixpack"!! I don't want to aspire to be an average anything! I want to be an eloquent, question asking, college educated, hard working American who knows how to "pay attention to words", as McCain stated in tonights debate. Mr. McCain better watch out because I'm pretty sure "Joe the plumber" knows how to "pay attention to words" and that "Joe Sixpack" will surprise ya, dontcha know!
two excerpts from tonight's debate:
MCCAIN: Well, you know, I admire so much Senator Obama's eloquence. And you really have to pay attention to words. He said, we will look at offshore drilling. Did you get that? Look at. We can offshore drill now. We've got to do it now. We will reduce the cost of a barrel of oil because we show the world that we have a supply of our own. It's doable. The technology is there and we have to drill now.
MCCAIN: Just again, the example of the eloquence of Senator Obama. He's health for the mother. You know, that's been stretched by the pro-abortion movement in America to mean almost anything.
Eloquence- vivid, forceful, fluent, ect.
in speech and writing
-Webster's New World Compact Office Dictionary
And one last thing, FUCK YOU UNDECIDED VOTERS!!!! If you were looking to learn anything new by watching this THIRD debate, then you suck! Oh, and an even bigger FUCK YOU to CNN and their stupid, useless, dial things that only track the stupidity of those using them!!!!!
*see Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself"
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